The "Millennial" Investor - by Josh Johnsrud, Advisor
Submitted by Strategic Partners Financial Group on March 2nd, 2017As a "millennial" myself, I can speak first hand to the fact that my millennial professional peer group needs just as much assistance with investment management and financial planning as those that have come before us. Yes, more resources are certainly available to our generation than were available to previous generations in their early professional years, but I find that many of my peers feel no more informed about the basics of saving and investing for retirement than their parents or grandparents felt at this time in the early years of their careers.
Are you a fellow young professional that is looking to forge a partnership with someone like me to accelerate your career financial goals? Whether it's a simple matter such as as how to start saving for retirement or how to maximize your 401(k), or a more complicated issue such as buying or selling a business, I would like to help you. Please don't hesitate to contact our office to set up a video-conference or in-person discussion to speak to someone willing to listen to your unique goals, and to discuss how some of our firm's effective and time-tested processes can help you be more successful now and in the future.